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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The very next day of arrival - Is this called summer???

18th Nov 2010 :
Photos :Mom & Dad wedding anniversary cake
As it was cold and windy in Melbourne this day, mom & dad experienced a glance of Melbourne winter.They werenot very active as they felt it was too cold. However in the evening after they took bath they felt good . We watched some wedding cds,spoke to india etc.
Since Nov 16th is mom & dad's marriage anniversary , we had a small cake cutting ceremony.The cake was full of cherries and dry fruits which quite filling.

Guess what dad was busy converting the costs in dollar to rupees...:)
Dad kept resisting to whatever we offered to eat.."saying we cannot eat so much as we are not as young as you are"
Dad & Mom must have thought if this is summer then how worst would the winter's cold be.
Thank god we got them in summer.
I guess mom was praying for a bright sun the next day.

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