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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baby Spinach no more a baby … Mom says its purslane (Bachali) leaves !!!

 29th November 2010 :
   Both of us in Monday blues dragged ourselves to office after missing the 8.35 am train .It took us a while to catch up with the work. Well I was preparing for the workshop and as always, Sravan engaged himself in some or the other meeting. It was 12.30 that I finished my workshop and was relieved to see that half a day has passed by .I had another workshop post lunch for which I had to prepare. Though finished work at 5.30 pm, I kept blogging while I waited for Sravan. After few minutes, Sravan gave me a call asking if we could leave. I said I would meet him in 5 minutes. Heavily dealt in blogs, I started at 5.50 pm and saw Sravan talking to his friend.

We reached home close to 6.45pm …and logged in the system .We found Vandana online .Ever since mom n dad came here Vandana’s laptop microphone stopped working. Hence, we get to see Vandana responding to our interaction with expressions only. Though she tried hard but each one of us, the other side interpreted in four different ways and she had to end up typing what she meant. After trying to troubleshoot her system for quite a sometime, we said lets talk over the phone. Well we continued watching Vandana over webcam but spoke over phone. Busy with her daily activities, she could hardly speak to us for couple of minutes saying she had to go to complex to buy some vegetables. Mom and Dad thinking who else to talk to … Van is busy and so is Keerthan. Mom wanted to talk to Rajani attaya to enquire about Shilpa’s vodibiyam function. However, this thought of her lead to a garam discussion between dad and mom. Diverting that topic, we tried to play uttaran which according mom is hardly played by dad in the mornings …: P

In order to make complete use of 1 kg baby Spinach, we thought we would make Aloo Palak. With the leaves big enough, mom disagreed to the fact that this is Baby Spinach. According to her, they were Bachali Kura. Irrespective of difference in views, we decided to prepare aloo and greens. Withstanding everyone’s direction of “Not to prepare Rotis’, I started kneading the roti dough. Mom continued to knead further to make the dough supple. Sravan and I continued preparing rotis. It was 10 pm; everything was set for dinner .By 10.30pm we finished our dinner.

We had a catch-up with one of our friends at lunch the next day, hence we need not worry about lunch box. By Now, Monday blues seem to have vanished and we were back on the roller coaster ride .This means we should fall asleep at the earliest to avoid being late to office the next day. Hoping we will have Tuesday green after eating so much greens at dinner we drowned into the ocean of sleep.

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