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Thursday, November 25, 2010

You are on a holiday break should Relax, Enjoy and be happy!

25th November 2010 
Prior to the arrival of mom & dad, both of us used to have regular discussions on their stay here. Both of us shared a common thought that this is the perfect opportunity to provide them a relaxing and reviving break from the social obligations, pollution, population, physical and the mental strain undergoing back home in India. Never in their life did they go for such a break, when they would forget about everything but being happy and relaxed.

The day they arrived, we tried to explain them the objective of this trip .Sravan gave the caption to the break of 3 months as “EAT, PRAY, & LOVE.” Mom seems to have started resonating to this frequency .Soon we realised dad is still tuned to the high frequencies of financial worries, mental stress and slowly started to influence mom to come out of her resonation.
Dad seemed to be worried that dollar amount is so very high and that each and every thing here is very costly in rupees .Also worried by the fact that there is nothing much to do here in terms of physical strain , when most of the activities are automated. The most important aspect of dad’s worry being mom tuned to not doing work and relaxing.

Somehow both us convinced dad and mom to relax and enjoy their break. To keep themselves busy during the day, the couple keeps doing some intentionally created work or some dusting activities. I guess this is the only time when things at home get the privilege of being utilised optimally, which they seldom are. Mom has been enjoying sweeping with the Chinese broom that resembles an Indian one. Mom says we might have to buy a new one after they travel back b’coz by then the broom would be dead.

After return from work, we tried playing Sri Krishna Tula Bharam online. However, it played for minutes after which mega video displays “You have watched video 72 minutes, please wait for 54 minutes more to continue watching.” After a tiring and time-consuming search we realised there is no fun on relying movie sites to watch them online. Hence, we decided to put on a DVD, which we borrowed from our friend “The Mouse Hunt.” It was quite a fun and cute movie to watch. While I was busy cooking Veg Noodles and Bhagara rice people were busy laughing at the funny scenes of the movie. Everyone excited with the news of forced leave policy at Amdocs, started convincing Keerthan to plan for holidays .We asked him to come over so all of us can spend time here. Mom started asking Keerthan if she should pray for the leave approval… and Keerthan says pray for onsite. Well with his no, mom started planning for a trip to Oneness University along with Keerthan after return from Australia.

Well it was 10.30 pm when the movie finished after which we had to eat dinner .Mom tasted my noodles and says its very tasty and this is the first time she is having such noodles with veges.Dad says “excellent, marvellous” the way this might be the resultant of Sravan’s tip. On the second day, Sravan enlightened dad & mom with a tip... He says “Whenever you eat Poonam’s cooking don’t forget to say wah wah  ... wah wah wah…otherwise you wouldn’t see any cooking from that moment onwards”

After the cleanup activities, it was time to straighten our back. It was 11.15 pm …when realised I still had one activity to do … i.e. drinking my ayurvedic medicine. Wishing if Sravan could mix that in water for me , I asked sravan…”Life mein sirf ek hi favour kar saktein ho kya … “…he grinned at me and said “kya bolo”.. I said “sirf ek favour …” in a low tone “aaj ke liye .. is pal ke liye” … “mere liye who medicine paani mein mila doge kya …plzzzzzzzz”… he says “theek hain”.This is the best part of Sravan… whenever I am tired so much so that I cannot even sleep .. He does me such favours at the 11th hour. I love him for that ….

I made sure Sravan gives iphone to dad to watch Oneness TV on you tube at night before he goes to sleep. Otherwise, Sravan would kill his lovely hours of sleep watching stupid interviews of film actors…Finally we went to sleep, and then the next thing I see is the day light striking my eyelids pursuing me to get up. In sleep, I told them …”Hey … the alarm hasn’t rung yet …so let me sleep “

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