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Sunday, November 28, 2010

No weekend away... where should we go with the hired Car?

 27th November 2010
    With no plan on how to utilise the car, we got up in the morning. Unable to decide on whether to go to Mt Dandenong or to Costco we kept our morning activities on the go. Since it was cloudy and raining, we were not very sure if we should drive too far. However, Sravan was confident that he could beat the rain with his driving skills. This is when mom’s ultimate hidden prayers came into action, we decided we would go to the Dandenong Market and then to the Dandenong temple. Since we had to go to temple mom made sure, she wears washed sari and so did dad.

I started preparing Vermicelli upma, which I thought would be a solid breakfast as we were not sure if the lunch would be proper. Meanwhile three of them had to shower and get ready. We targeted to start as early as possible which often becomes as comfortable as possible. Mom and Sravan started their break fast while dad started his pooja. It was my turn to shower for sure and there was no chance of escape coz we had to go to temple. Well dad wanted to finish his breakfast before I join him. Unnoticed he took the paper plate and put some vermicelli .He started gulping it as fast as possible before I approached the table. I reached near the table and started helping myself with the vermicelli. I noticed dad had put very less break fast and the next statement was “Dad  ... have some more”. In addition, I put the vermicelli in his plate too … he says “I wanted to finish my break fast before you come  ... I knew this would happen”…: P: P

Though we borrowed the gps from one of our friends , we checked Google maps as we had gotten used to gmaps .It is very well said that Google is world’s most user thoughtful company. Highly comfortable with Google maps iphone application we started from home towards Dandenong Market.Sravan seemed to be comfortable on the
Princes Highway
drove smoothly and we reached Dandenong market at 1.30 pm .We could not find parking for a while as all the spaces were filled. We never imagined such a crowd in such a bad weather. However, we managed to get a place that was quite a cakewalk for Sravan to park there.

We had never been to this market; it seemed to be twice the Victoria market. Soon after we entered the market, we heard the thunderstorms and it was pouring. Not so worried about the heavy rain we continued purchasing groceries. We found certain vegetables and fruits, which are close to extinct in Melbourne such as guava, ponaganti Kura etc.We ensured coverage than quantity and made sure we bought almost everything. Our trolley was overloaded, making sure it would not burst we held some bags in our hands. After walking for 1.5 hrs we said to each other “I think we are done now “.Then we went to the seating area were hardly 2 seats were vacant with a small table to hold two places and two glasses. We asked mom n dad to sit there, meanwhile I tried to get donuts for them. Mom ate these and said “everything here is sweet  ... So sweet …hardly any salted “.She had enough of sweet and she couldn’t each more than one small donut filled with jam…J Well me never interested in jam donut tried to eat and could not accept dad’s generosity of giving me another Donut.Finally, dad and sravan were the fall guys of sweetness ..:)

It was close to 3.15 pm, we thought we should start now .It was still raining and we had to walk for at least 5 minutes to the Car park. We asked dad and mom to walk slowly with the umbrella and we said we would rush towards the car. Moment after that dad says …”Lets all four of us share this umbrella”…We thought, well we agree umbrella is a big... but not so big to fit 4 people and a trolley....We set ourselves for a walk and reached near car ….not sure if everything would fit inside the rear of the car we started settling everything. To our surprise everything was well fit .It was time to seek favour from iphone, we checked the route to Dandenong temple .We saw it would take only 13 minutes to reach there. It was just 3.20 pm and the temple opens at 4.05 pm, what would we do reaching early there…? Thinking what great we would do at Dandenong Market when market closes at 3.00 on Saturdays, we set ourselves to Dandenong temple .We reached there in 25 mins and we were there 25 mins prior to the opening. We thought we would go to Vel Spices.

Sravan and mom had decided to skip their lunch as they had planned for the temple’s canteen food. Hence, we did not stop by Vel spices. However, I thought we should have something to survive until 5.05 pm when canteen opens .Not left with any other option but agree to me, everyone agreed to share two plates .We went back to Vel spices and had our semi lunch/snacks. It was 3.55 pm when we reached temple premises and it was still raining. I went inside through the side door to check if it is ok to enter the temple before the main doors open. I stayed inside the temple that was indicative enough that it is fine to be inside, when mom & dad as well as Sravan washed their feet and entered the Temple. Mom thanked god for the second visit to this temple and she prayed that she should be visiting this temple the third time as well in this trip. We had plenty of time for the canteen opening; hence, we gave mom the complete liberty of her paying visit to every idol inside the temple. Mom and Dad finished their pradakshina’s when mom asked us “Thirtham teeskunnara , shivudu degira , venkateshwarudu degira ?”. We went to take holy water along with mom and made sure we had prasadam .We sat there couple of minutes and it was 5.05 pm already. We came out of the temple and walked towards the temple. We noticed that poor peacock’s feathers have been removed .We felt how one could ever remove such a beautiful thing from the poor creature.

Well we went inside the canteen and found a place to sit. We ordered 3 plates of Vada and a coffee for us except mom. Mom opted for her favourite Masala dosa and she wanted coffee after a while. Thinking that each plate of vada will contain single vada we waited for the order .Our stomachs were filled after seeing 2 vadas a plate are being served. They were quite tasteful and enjoyed them. Dad also had a sip of coffee and said “coffee is really good “and so did I .I forced Sravan to taste the coffee and he loved that too. Well 2 cups of coffee shared among two is not really my type. I asked for another cup, when sravan stopped me from buying and said, “Your stomach would be upset.” Well ….dad said, “The coffee is really good and you would miss such one later in Melbourne…if you want to please go ahead and take “… Now I had a supporting vote that helped me persuading Sravan. Finally, I managed to get a cup of coffee. I enjoyed my coffee while rest three were busy packing up for the travel back.

Sravan wanted to drive more and said, “We should also cover Sai Baba temple at Camberwell. “ Well his rationale being, if we have to take mom & dad later without car there would be walking and tram involved. We all agreed to it and we started towards Camberwell temple from Dandenong. Thanks a ton to iphone, which is reliable in showing us directions.The clock, struck 7pm when we reached near the temple. We searched parking slots, but all the slots were for Permit Holders .We decided to leave mom & dad near the temple and hunt for parking. We managed to seek a parking across the
Toorak Rd
near a house. Making sure we are not blocking the entrance of that house, we parked our car. It was continuous drizzling and we walked towards the temple. This temple was quite pleasant and relaxing place to be .Once upon a time this temple was a church. Mom made sure I captured every idol there. We sat there for couple of minutes and headed back to our car.

We reached home close to 9.00 pm and it was still raining. There was a unanimous decision of fruit diet on that night. Sravan played the online movie “Chak De” which mom & dad had already seen. Last week we had gone for lunch when he watched part of this movie at Delhi rocks while eating. It must have kept ringing in his brain and I knew one fine day Sravan would play that movie, which is peculiar of Sravan…J Meanwhile I started collating stuff for dinner. So our dinner was small quantities of mixture, kaju katli, piece of guava, left over vermicelli, nectarine…well dad saw this and said was this supposed to be a fruit diet.. :) We had fun watching the movie, it finished at 11.30 pm. The next day being a Sunday, we were super relieved, aimed to get up late, and we went to sleep. While going to sleep we started planning for the next day’s trip …and the planning went on in our dreams .Early morning at 9.30 am I got up and said “Sravan lets et up we need to go to Costco , it would get late “

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